I don't think that counties do drift, only duchies into kingdoms and kingdoms into empires.Basically if a duchy is completely controlled by another kingdom (not just the duchy title, but all the de jure counties and baronies below), it will tick one point towards 100 each year.

Also for this to occur i do beleive that the holder of the dejure duchy should also be the same culture group as the ruler of the kingdom is becoming part of (i could be wrong).And to the second question no it can not be sped up its always a 100 years as your vassal.Now a part of this that can get confusing is if the king of England then forms the Kingdom of wales at which point the counter for the duchy to turn to a de jure part of England is stopped since it is now technically part of the Kingdom of Wales.Hope this helps:D. If the duchy is a vassal to england for a 100 years straight then it becomes a dejure part of England. If you don't you will incur -50 opinion with all de jure vassals of the duchy.įor the first question: It works when a duchy that is dejure part of one kingdom (lets say the Kingdom of Wales) is a vassal to another kingdom (lets say england). I also want to add that this applies only in case that you own all the counties in the relevant duchy. It's giving you some prestige as has been said, whereas destroying it costs prestige. If you own two duchies total or less, then keep the duchy until this changes. Allow them to have their distributed areas. Retract- and transfer vassal can help, but will generate unhappiness and revolts. Be able to completely stop this since dukes and their vassal counts inherrit and conquere lands outside the initial du-jure duchies. I prefer to make this a county within the de jure duchy unless I am deliberately trying to change the ducal borders (since they may want both the duchies and that can cause trouble if you're unprepared), but it can be any county title at all to satisfy the requirement that a duke also have at least one county.